Directions to Pottersville NY

GPS Coordinates Latitude = 43.728 ° North
Longitude = -73.819 ° West

Approximate Drive Time & Distances

Location Distance

Schroon Lake Town Center 10 14 min
Albany 79 1.2
Saratoga Downtown 55 1
Ticonderoga 32 ¾
New Jersey, New York City 232 4
Montreal, Quebec 150 2.8
Glens Falls 32 ½
Lake Placid 70
Whiteface Mountain 74 1.5
Gore Mountain 18 ½
Burlington, VT 70 1⅔

Directions from Various Places
From NY & Vermont

From New Jersey, New York City

Get on the NY State Thruway, I-87. In New York City, I-87 is called the Major Deegan Expressway in the Bronx. Follow the Thruway to Albany. YOU MUST GET OFF AT EXIT 24 ALBANY, because after this the New York State Thruway becomes I-90 and turns west towards Buffalo. Then get on the Adirondack Northway, I-87, right after the toll barrier. Follow the Adirondack Northway, I-87 north to Pottersville, Exit 26, milepost 73. Turn right then right again on US 9 at the flashing red light, and go 1 mile south on US 9. The Pottersville New York is on the left hand side of the road. If you go past Curtis Lumber, you've just passed us.

From Albany, Saratoga, all points south

Follow the Adirondack Northway, I-87 north to Pottersville, Exit 26, milepost 77. Turn left at the end of the ramp and follow the road to its end. Then right on US 9. You are now here!

From All Points South Alternate

Follow the Adirondack Northway, I-87 north to Pottersville, Exit 26, milepost 77. Turn left then right on US 9 at the stop sign at the end of the road.

From the North Via Adirondack Northway

Follow the Adirondack Northway, I-87 south to Pottersville, Exit 26, milepost 78. Turn left at the end of the exit, east, then go to the junction of US 9.Turn right on US 9 at the stop sign. Then turn right and go 1 mile south on US 9.

From the South Eastern Vermont, Rutland

Follow US 4 south/west from Rutland till you get to NY Route 149 in Fort Ann New York.. Take a right on NY 149 and follow that to US 9, just south of Lake George. Take a right on US 9 and follow US 9 north for about a 4 miles north to Exit 21 at NY 9N. Get on the Northway there and head north about 25 miles to Exit 26.

From the Middle Vermont, Ticonderoga

Take the ferry over to Ticonderoga. Follow Route 74 west from the ferry landing all the way up the large hill to the flashing red light at US 9 in Schroon Lake, about 20 miles. Turn left on US 9 and go about 12 mile south.

From the Northern Vermont, Burlington

Take US 7 South from Burlington Vermont to Vergennes, VT and pick up VT 22 A south towards Addison. Then take VT 17 to Chimney Point. There you can take the free ferry over to the old bridge pier near Crown Point. In Crown Point, take NY 22 / 9N south to Ticonderoga to the junction of NY 74 west and turn left. Follow Route 74 west all the way up the large hill to the flashing red light at US 9 in Pottersville, about 20 miles. Turn left on US 9 and go about 12 mile south.

From Canada

From Quebec

Take PQ 15 south from Montreal to the US border. Now you are on the Northway. Follow the Adirondack Northway, I-87 south to Pottersville, Exit 26, milepost 77. Turn left at the end of the exit, east, then go to the junction of US 9.Turn right on US 9 and go 1 mile south.